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The science of Ayurveda has simplified the organizational layout of the human body into three basic components, Dosha (Fault), Dhatu (Tissue) and Mala (Impurities).

The entire science of Ayurveda is based on the "five great element" (Pancha A Mahabhootha) theory. The five elements are Earth (Pruthvi), Water (Jal), Fire (Agni or Tej), Air (Vayu) and Ether or Space (Akash). All matter in the universe is made up of these elements. Earth represents the solid state, water the liquid state, air the gaseous state, fire transforming force and ether is simultaneously the source of all matter and the space in which it exists. Thus all matter from tissues and organs, to diets and "doshas" (faults) is built on the five elements.

The relationship in its constituents is as follows:

The 'Doshas' are executives in the organ. They influence the functioning of tissues (Dhatus) and therefore the metabolic end products (Mala).

Dense Element Subtle Element Sense Organ Motor Organ Function
Space Sound Ears Vocal Chords Speaking
Air Touch Skin Hands Grasping
Fire Sight Eyes Feet Moving
Water Taste Tongue Genitals Procreating
Earth Smell Nose Anus Excreting

What is Dosha?

The most fundamental and characteristic principle of Ayurveda is called "Tridosha" Or the Three Faults.

In Ayurveda the diagnosis of disease and individual constitutions is in terms of three psycho-physical doshas, or faults, called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Every individual has a unique combination of these three doshas. To understand individuality is the foundation of healing according to JLP, "The Science of Life".

Doshas are to be seen as all pervasive, subtle entities, Vata regulates movement and is represented by the nervous system

The literal meaning of dosha is 'fault' because these three Doshas are the three ways in which the body tends to move out of balance. Each person's psycho-physical constitution can be described in terms of one or a combination of these doshas.

In every person these three doshas differ in permutations and combinations and thereby determine the physiologic constitution (Prakriti) of an individual. Vata, pitta and kapha are distinctly present in every individual and express in each human being differently according to predominance of their different qualities (gunas).

All matter of Doshas is thought to be composed of five basic elements (panchamahabhutas) that exhibit the properties of earth (prithvi), water (jala), fire (tejas), wind (vayu) and space (akasha). The structural aspect of our body is made up of five elements, but the functional aspect of the body is governed by three biological humours. Ether and air together constitute VATA; fire and water together constitute PITTA; and water and earth together constitute KAPHA.

They govern psycho-biological changes in the body and physio-pathological changes too. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are present in every cell, tissue and organ. In every person they differ in permutations and combinations.

Click on Vata to know a short description of the doshas to help you determine which dosha your constitution or an imbalance is so you can decide exactly which remedy is right for you.

About Vata

Vata regulates movement and is represented by the nervous system.

Elements of Vata: At the heart of Ayurveda is its concept of the three Doshas or the three different basic types of human constitution, from ether and air comes Vata. By the elements and Doshas, we determine the basic nature of different individuals and we establish a line of treatment unique to their needs.

Nature of Vata: The three Doshas can be recognized by their attributes:

Vata is dry, cold, light, mobile, subtle, hard, rough, changeable and clear. It is the most powerful of the Doshas, being the life force itself, and the strongest to create disease. It governs all movement, and carries both Pitta and Kapha.

Types & Functions :

Prana Vata Governs the senses, creative thinking, reasoning, enthusiasm, leader of all 15 categories of Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Udana Vata Governs quality of voice, memory, movements of thought
Samana Vata Governs movement of food through digestive tract
Apana Vata Elimination of wastes, sexual function, menstrual cycle
Vyana Vata Governs blood flow, heart rhythm, perspiration, sense of touch

Symptoms of Imbalance :

Prana Vata Worries, overactive mind, sleep problems, difficulty breathing
Udana Vata Dry coughs, sore throats, earaches, general fatigue
Samana Vata Slow or rapid digestion, gas, intestinal cramps, poor assimilation, weak tissues
Apana Vata Intestinal cramps, menstrual problems, lower back pain, irregularity, diarrhea, constipation, gas.
Vyana Vata Dry or rough skin, nervousness, shakiness, poor blood flow, stress-related problems

State of Existence: Vata dwells in the colon, hips, thighs, ears, bones and sense of touch. Its main site is the colon where it accumulates, causes disease, and from which it can be expelled directly from the body.

Overview of Vata :

Symbol Worries, overactive mind, sleep problems, difficulty breathing
Principle Movement, transport and kinetic energy in the body-mind.
Essence Prana, the Life Force.
Body Type Small body frames, average amount of hair which tends to be dry and light brown, dry or rough skin, small eyes.
Mental Picture Short term memory is best, changing moods and thoughts.
Vata in Balance Alert and spontaneous.
Vata out of Balance Worried, mood swings.
Key words Light, cold, dry, fast, quick, changing, movement, restlessness.

Impact on People :

Body Type A Vata's frame is usually tall or short, and always thin and low in weight with prominent bones and joints. They have thin skin, which is rough and dry with a tendency to tan or be dark, with prominent veins and cold to the touch. They will have curly, kinky, coarse, dry hair that's dark brown or blackish. Their teeth will usually be large, crooked and protrude. Both their head and eyes will be small, quick and unsteady. The eyes will also be dark brown or black, dry, thin and dull
Characteristics Vatas have variable and scanty appetites. They will be thin as children and have troubles gaining weight. They like sweet, salty and sour foods like cake, crackers, and pickles. Their thirst varies and they will nurse hot drinks to keep them warm. Their bowels are usually hard and dry, or constipated. They are hyperactive and can exhaust easily with restless minds that fantasize. They are extremely creative, artistic, and often musical, with extreme moods of joyfulness and fear, accomplishment and insecurity, and often anxious.
Nature They usually speak in a high pitched voice faster than they think. They think and fantasize about sex often, but perform poorly having already expended their energy mentally. They generally spend money impulsively and so stay relatively poor. Their pulse is thin and feeble, and threads like a snake.
Personality They are erratic and always unpredictable. Their faith is changed easily. Their memory is good if they study the night before the test. But a week later they will have forgotten everything. If they remember dreams at all, they usually are running, jumping and flying, or a nightmare full of fear. They are light sleepers with scanty, interrupted sleep patterns.

About Pitta

Pitta is the principle of biotransformation and is the cause of all metabolic processes in the body.

Elements of Pitta: At the heart of Ayurveda is its concept of the three Doshas, or the three different basic types of human constitution, from fire and an aspect of water comes Pitta. By the elements and Doshas, we determine the basic nature of different individuals and we establish a line of treatment unique to their needs.

Nature of Pitta:The three Doshas can be recognized by their attributes:

Pitta is hot, light, fluid, subtle, sharp, malodorous, soft and clear. It governs heat, temperature and all chemical reactions.

Pitta is dry, cold, light, mobile, subtle, hard, rough, changeable and clear. It is the most powerful of the Doshas, being the life force itself, and the strongest to create disease. It governs all movement, and carries both Pitta and Kapha.

Types & Functions:

Alochaka Pitta Governs functioning of the eyes
Bhrajaka Pitta Responsible for healthy glow of the skin Sadhaka Pitta - Controls desire, drive, decisiveness, spirituality
Pachaka Pitta Responsible for digestion, assimilation, metabolism for healthy nutrients and tissues.
Ranjaka Pitta Responsible for healthy, toxin-free blood.

Symptoms of Imbalance :

Alochaka Pitta Blood shot eyes, poor vision.
Bhrajaka Pitta Skin rashes, acne.
Pachaka Pitta Hyperacidity.
Ranjaka Pitta Early graying of hair, anger, toxins in blood.

State of Existence: Pitta dwells in the small intestine, stomach, sweat, sebum, blood, plasma, and sense of sight. Its main location is the small intestine where it accumulates, and from which it can be directly expelled from the body.

Overview of Pitta :

Symbol Fire
Principle Transformation, metabolism, and discrimination in the body-mind.
Essence Tejas, Inner Light and Radiance.
Body Type Medium size body frames, average amount of hair that tends to be reddish or gray and thinning, soft, slightly oily skin and medium size eyes.
Mental Picture Good memory, sharp intellects, sound sleepers, quick tempers.
Pitta in Balance Enterprising and joyous.
Pitta out of Balance Angry, impatient, frustrated.
Key words Hot, fiery, perceptive, and intense.

Impact on People :

Body Type Pitta stands with medium build, height, and bone structure, with soft, oily skin, that's warm to the touch. They have fair complexions, burning easily. The have a reddish or yellowish hue. Their hair is soft and oily and will bald and gray early. Until then it will generally be reddish or yellow-blonde. They have moderate size, yellowish teeth with soft gums that bleed easily. Their eyes are green or hazel, with a sharp, penetrating, lustrous look, set below a large forehead.
Characteristics They have strong appetites and need large meals to be satisfied, but will not snack. They like sweet, bitter and astringent foods, like candy, green salads and bananas. This is washed down all day long with cold drinks. They have frequent bowel movements with soft, oily, loose, discharges. They must evacuate immediately when they feel the urge. They are moderately active, but with intensely competitive spirits.
Nature They sleep short and deep, with fiery dreams of war and violence, or long conversations with exchanges of money. It's always an epic. They are good orators, but can be sharp and cutting with their speech. They know how to save, but usually for the purchase of luxuries, that make a statement about their position in life and enhance their ego. When not too busy trying to organize the world, they can be roused to passion and perform competently. Their pulse is moderate, and jumps like a frog.
Personality They can be overly aggressive and assertive, highly intelligent and organized, with nearly photographic memories. They become teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, - and angry when not fed on time! They are easily irritated and can be dangerous when jealous, which happens often. They are fanatical about their faith.

About Kapha

Kapha is the principle of cohesion and functions through the body fluids

Elements of Kapha: : At the heart of Ayurveda is its concept of the three Doshas or the three different basic types of human constitution from water and earth comes Kapha. By the elements and Doshas, we determine the basic nature of different individuals and we establish a line of treatment unique to their needs.

Nature of Kapha:The three Doshas can be recognized by their attributes:

Kapha is cold, wet, heavy, slow, dull, static, smooth, dense and cloudy. It maintains substance, weight and coherence in the body.

Types & Functions:

Tarpaka Kapha Responsible for moisture for nose, mouth, eyes and brain
Bhodaka Kapha Governs Sense of taste, which is essential for good digestion
Kledaka Kapha Governs moisture of the stomach lining for good digestion
Avalambaka Kapha Protects the heart, strong muscles, healthy lungs
Sleshaka Kapha Lubricates the joints, Keeps skin soft and supple

Symptoms of Imbalance :

Tarpaka Kapha Sinus congestion, poor sense of smell
Bhodaka Kapha Poor sense of taste, food cravings due to lack of fulfillment
Kledaka Kapha Impaired digestion, poor absorption
Avalambaka Kapha Lethargy, respiratory problems, lower back pain
Sleshaka Kapha Weight gain, oily skin, loose or painful joints

State of Existence: Kapha dwells in the chest, throat, head, pancreas, ribs, stomach, plasma, fat, nose, and tongue. Its main site is the stomach where it accumulates and causes disease, and from which it can be directly expelled from the body.

Overview of Kapha :

Symbol Water
Principle Integration, lubrication, potential energy and stability in the body-mind.
Essence Ojas, Primal Vitality.
Body Type Large body frames and thick, dark brown or black hair which tends toward oilyness. Oily, moist skin and large eyes.
Mental Picture Calm, steady and stable, good long term memory, heavy sleepers, slow to be irritated.
Vata in Balance Strong and calm.
Vata out of Balance Dull and lethargic.
Key words Slow, steady, solid, heavy, accumulation, and regularity.

Impact on People :

Body Type Kaphas are large, thick, big boned and strong. They stand not too tall, but often as the foundation of society. They have a tendency to be overweight and can become heavy by just looking at food! Their skin is thick, smooth, oily, and cool, with a tendency to be pale. Their hair is thick, wavy, oily, dark black or light blonde with strong even white teeth. They seldom get a cavity. Their eyes are large and well formed with ample whites showing and deep blue irises, decorated with thick, long lashes. These are called the lotus eyes in India because they look like lotus petals and because they adorn the lotus face of the supreme Lord Krishna.
Characteristics Kaphas have small appetites and eat slowly - many small meals a day - the big snackers of society.They like pungent, bitter, and astringent foods like spicy dishes, green salads, and pomegranates. But they especially like dry, crispy things. They rarely drink, and have one full and heavy bowel movement daily.
Nature They sleep deep and long, dreaming of romantic settings by lakes and rivers, or swimming. They speak slowly in a monotonous voice, and are not sexually aroused easily, but perform most admirably once inclined. Their pulse is broad and slow like the swan.
Personality They are not very active and must study repeatedly to understand, but will never forget once they learn. Therefore they often prefer repetitious jobs where little innovation is necessary. They make good bankers, insurance agents, or factory workers. Kapha people in general are slow, steady and reliable.
They are good with money which they know how to conserve to an extreme. They can become overly greedy and attached. But they are extremely compassionate, forgiving, loving, and patient, becoming nurses, social workers, and the clergy of different religions. They have a deep, steady faith and highly developed spiritual feelings.

Imbalance Dosha

Factors Responsible for Vata Imbalance : Eating too much bitter, astringent and pungent tasted foods like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, beans, dry fruits, mushrooms and raw foods. Too much traveling by any means of transportation. Taking awake till late night or not sleeping at all. Eating of junk food, frozen foods and food that have been microwaved. Excessive exposure to high noise level or high sounds. Watching too much television and over exposure to computers or any other kind of electric gadgets from strong waves are emitted. Indulging in too much sexual activity. Excessive imagination, overworking or too much sport. Taking too much medicinal, recreational and stimulating drugs. Suppression of natural urges like urination, defecation, sneezing, cough, tears etc... Emotions like fear and grief.

Factors Responsible for Pitta Imbalance : Drinking too much tea, coffee and alcohol. Excessive smoking. Eating salty, sour, hot and spicy food, eating too much chillis, tomatoes, eggplant or onions. Too much exposure to heat and sun. Too much anger.

Factors Responsible for Kapha Imbalance : Eating sweet, salty and sour tastes in excess, fats, oily and fried foods, ice creams, mears, dairy products, and nuts. Too much sleep, especially during daytime. Not doing much physical activity.

Balance Dosha

How to Balance Your Vata Dosha :

  1. A cup of JLPVata Tea daily.
  2. Abhyanga (daily ayurvedic massage with sesame oil).
  3. Warm temperatures. Stay warm in cold, windy weather.
  4. Warm, cooked foods (less raw foods).
  5. Early bedtime, lots of rest and sleep.
  6. Favor warm, oily, heavy, sweet, sour, and salty tastes.

How to Balance Your Pitta Dosha :

  1. A cup of JLPPitta Tea daily.
  2. Avoid sesame and mustard oils, fish, buttermilk, whey, mutton, fasting, acidic fruits, alcohol, meat and fatty, oily foods.
  3. Keep cool. Avoid hot temperatures and food.
  4. Favor cool, heavy, dry, sweet, bitter and astringent foods.
  5. Reduce pungent, sour, salty, warm, oily and light foods.
  6. Moderation in work, don't overwork Allow for leisure time.
  7. Regular mealtimes, especially at noon.

How to Balance Your Kapha Dosha :

  1. A cup of JLPKapha Tea daily.
  2. Vigorous regular exercise, a little each day.
  3. Warm temperatures; Stay warm in cold, damp weather.
  4. Fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes.
  5. Favor pungent, bitter, astringent, light, dry and warm foods.
  6. Reduce heavy, oily, cold, sweet, sour and salty foods.
  7. Early to bed, early to rise.

Know Your Dosha

Identify Your Body Type (Know your Dosha)

Answer 21 simple questions and know which humor/dosha is dominant in you. Your answers should not be based on your current health status. It should be what you have been for most of your life. Remember that all three doshas are present in every individual. It's only their proportion that is different in different individual. For more accurate determination of your mind-body type, we recommend you to take Ayurveda life style consultation from a qualified practitioner.

Frame /Physique Tall or short, Thin built
Medium, not overweight, moderate
Well developed Physique
Weight Low weight, Prominent Bones
Heavy built, Easily put on weight
Skin Cold, Dry, Prominent Veins
Warm, Moist, prone to Acne, moles
Soft and Cold skin
Hair Dry, rough and Scanty
Soft and Fine, Premature graying and baldness
Silky, Soft and Dense
Feces Dry, hard, tends towards constipation
Loose, tends towards diarrhea
Moderate, solid
Sweat Scanty, no smell
Profuse, strong smell
Appetite Variable (irregular)
Food taste preferred Sour, Chili
Chilled sweet
Hot and sweet
Favourite climate Summer
Sleep Light, tends towards insomnia
Moderate, may wake up but may fall asleep again
Heavy, difficulty in waking up
Approach to a new event Enthusiastic in the Beginning
Moderate, would like to finish a project if started
Slow but steady
Mental Nature Indecisive
Quick and Decisive
Decisive but takes time
Memory Grasps easily but forgets easily
Slow to take notice but will not forget
Activity Fast
Moderate, motivated goal seeking
Quite slow but steady
Temperament Anxious, nervous
Irritable, angry
Calm, content sentimental
Concentration Easily distracted
Intensely engaged
Will Power Weak, often start very determined but later give up
Forgiveness Often forgive and forget
Takes long to forgive, tend to hold grudges
Understands people make mistakes.
Hygiene Intolerance to uncleanness
Moderately clean, secondary to other concerns
Can be dirty for some period of time
Sensitivity Cold, Wind
Heat, Sun
Cold, likes Wind and Sun.
Resistance to disease weak immune system
Medium, prone to infections
Good, strong immune system

General Characteristics of single dosha type


Poor physique, either too long or too short, skin dry and cracked, dry and curly hair, prominent veins on the body, gait is quick, voice low, speech fast, interrupted, hate cold and windy weather, eat less, sleep less, desirous of sweet, sour, salty and hot food, body extremities are usually cold, have low strength, less immunity and usually suffer from constipation, migraine and other nervous system disorders.

They are very enthusiastic at the beginning of any venture but find difficulty in finishing it, quickly grasp things but forget easily b’coz of weak memory, are very talkative, are unsteady with respect of friendship, courage, memory and thinking, they are atheists, pleasure seeking, desirous of music and humor, artistic and creative with good imagination, sexually the most active, fearful, worrisome and anxious, not good in handling stress, can get along with dog as their pet.


Moderate physique, medium strength, body is warm, have scanty hair, prematurely turns grey, baldness is common, form wrinkles early, cannot stand hot weather, hate sunlight, sweat a lot, have excellent appetite, suffer from thirst, eyes turn red easily, desirous of food which is sweet, astringent, bitter and cold food, less sexual desire, usually suffer from skin diseases, infections etc

Highly intelligent, short tempered, courageous, fearless, argumentative, tries to prove his point, never accepts defeat, very affectionate to dependents, jealous, afraid of discomfort, can get along with cat


Good physique, soft in nature like the moon, thick hair, steady gait, very less physical discomfort, have good sleep, not much troubled by hunger, thirst, strain and heat, consume food which is pungent, bitter, astringent, hot, dry and less in quantity and still remain strong, have very good immunity.

Endowed with intelligence, right attitude and truthfulness, do not speak harsh and abusively, possess good memory, perseverance, humbleness, do not weep much even in childhood, are not greedy, forgiving and forgetful nature, get hurt easily but don’t like to express or react, can handle the stress very beautifully, seldom get angry, always happy and cheerful

Ayurveda FAQs

1. Why should I go for Ayurveda, instead of other system of medicine?

In other system of medicines they treat the disease only, but in Ayurvedic system of medicine being a holistic approach to mankind; it not only treats the disease but treats the patients mentally as well as physically. It is a natural therapy hence it has no side effect or any complications, whereas other system of medicine has lots of side effects and several complications.

2. Are Ayurvedic medicines free of side effects?

Yes. Ayurvedic medicines are natural and safe, they have no side effects. Since they are prepared form herbs & minerals after proper processing according to classical ayurvedic methods of manufacturing.

3. What is TRIDOSHA?

TRIDOSHA means three hum oral factors which are responsible for performing all activities in the body. In Ayurveda diagnosis is based on tridosha. It also denotes your body type or body constitution. Every individual has specific body type. If you know your body type and follow its does and do not, you can lead a healthy long life.

4. What is pulse examination in Ayurveda?

Ans. In Ayurveda, a disease is diagnosed with the help of three fingers which denotes the specific aggravation of DOSHAs. Ayurvedic experts are more capable in diagnosing a disease with the help of pulse examination.

5. Can Ayurveda help me lose weight?

Yes, and very successfully. Obesity is caused mainly due to a disbalance in the Kapha dosha. When Ayurvedic wisdom is applied to the life of an 'obese person', they gain insight into why and how they created and hold on to their Kapha imbalance (manifesting as obesity). They now learn about how they can take back control of their increasing Kapha. They learn about Kapha balancing foods, specialized Kapha reducing exercises, essential oils, self-massage, gentle detoxification, herbs and colours. The over-expressed Kapha can linger on due to certain 'heavy' thought patterns also. Hence a total shift in paradigm is gradually brought about in the living and thinking of an obese person. When the recommendations are followed sincerely, one can expect to lose weight.

6. Can Ayurveda really cure cancer?

It must be remembered that Ayurveda does not claim to 'cure' diseases, but to restore balance to the body, mind and spirit complex. Cancer is another such condition, a tridosha imbalance at the cellular level. Ayurveda recommends herbal, diet and divine (mantra, gem, etc.) therapy in Cancer. It is recommended that cancer patients check with their physician or primary health care provider.

7. Can Ayurveda help chronic pain?

Yes, absolutely. Personalized herbs, specific diet modifications and also specialized oils and massages prove very effective in pain management without side effects or drug dependency. In various etiologies of arthritis, general conditions such as Fibromyalgia, or pain due to falls, traumas or repetitive stress all such conditions are highly amenable to Ayurvedic therapies. We recommend that you start or stop all adjunct therapies by first checking in with your physician or primary health care provider.

8. Can Ayurveda help with depression and other mental conditions?

Yes. While antidepressant and other drugs are both critical and often lifesaving; yet a person suffering from depression may or may not live life optimally and may drag through life without experiencing daily abundance, joy and unbridled enthusiasm. Certain Ayurveda herbs, specialized massages and mind/body therapies (such as Pancha Karma, Shirodhara, meditation, Yoga, Gem therapy, mantra therapy, etc.) are time-tested, gentle mind-balancing tools with no side effects. One can continue taking the antidepressants (and remain in touch with their MD regarding the drugs, dosage etc.) but at the time, simultaneous work in the Ayurvedic field can be done. Ayurvedic therapy enhances and expedites recovery and people feel the 'joy of being alive' and not mere numbing of anxiety.

9. Can Ayurveda help me prevent acute and chronic diseases?

Please remember that Ayurveda does not claim to treat, prevent or cure diseases, but only to restore balance to the physiology. When balance is restored, many diseases and disorders are often automatically prevented or health is restored. This is the beauty of Ayurvedic lifestyle and food choices.

10. Do I have to follow a certain religion to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into my life?

No. Ayurvedic principles are universal, and anybody can incorporate them into his or her daily life. There is no need to become religious in order to adopt the principles of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is not a religious Hindu text. Rather, Ayurveda is a rational science that celebrates universal principles. While deeply spiritual in subject (in the sense that matters of mind and spirit are addressed in Ayurveda), Ayurveda is not 'Hindu' as in the everyday sense of 'Hinduism'. Ayurveda does not advocate a particular religion or a deity.

11. Do I have to be a vegetarian to follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle?

No not at all. Ayurveda recommends foods that are ideal for your body and mind and not as per any 'Hinduism'. While Ayurveda sings praises of a healthy seasonal vegetarian diet; it similarly prescribes meats of several animals, fishes and birds. What you eat should / will depend on which food serves your health and energy needs best? And, what can you digest? Your Ayurvedic practitioner will guide you with detail in this area.

12. Can Ayurvedic herbal supplements help improve my health?

Ayurvedic herbal supplements may help to improve one's overall health, however, it is extremely important that they be taken in their compatible and complementary combinations, and that one also follows the necessary dietary and daily and seasonal recommendations for his or her particular constitution and health concerns. In order to get results using Ayurvedic herbal supplements, it is best to consult a professional first.

13. Can I take allopathic medicines, including prescription drugs, and Ayurvedic herbal supplements at the same time?

Before altering the schedule of prescription medications you follow, or additionally taking Ayurvedic herbal supplements, always check with your physician or primary health care provider. Ayurveda can be used in conjunction with Western allopathic medicine. Drugs save lives, but because of their toxicity, sometimes they can also weaken or damage the body. Ayurveda can help protect and make the body stronger after or along with drugs or surgery.

14. Can I continue taking vitamin & mineral supplements along with Ayurvedic herbal supplements?

Unless otherwise directed by your physician or primary health care provider, it is not necessary to take additional vitamin and mineral supplements. Ayurveda recommends getting vitamins and minerals directly from the intake of nutritious foods and herbs.

15. How effective is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a very effective system of health that is being more and more recognized in the West. It is one of the primary systems of health care in India, and has been used for thousands of years for all sorts of ailments and disorders. The Ayurvedic path has been much tread upon. Literally thousands of people have walked on it for thousands of years. Today Ayurveda is popular all over the world. Hospitals and clinics offer it, press reports it, researchers examine it, governments host it and people love it. Ayurveda has stood the test of time; and whether it was a favourable or unfavourable political or legal climate or not people continued to practice it privately and openly, from little clinics in India to large Spas all over the world. The word is out today 'Try Ayurveda, it works.'

Its full effectiveness will depend on various considerations, including the age and state of health of the individual, how much effort they are willing to put into making the necessary changes toward better health, and how compliant they are with taking their formulas and following the recommended guidelines. Since an Ayurvedic regimen is very individualized, its results will depend on individual factors as well, and on follow-up treatments, since adjustments and close supervision are absolutely necessary to obtain optimal results.

Yoga Section

  1. What is Yoga ?

    Yoga originated thousands of years ago in India as a technique to help people achieve spiritual enlightenment. Today, people practice yoga to improve their physical, mental and spiritual well - being. Most forms of yoga involve physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation.

  2. How safe it is?

    Practicing yoga is generally safe, but takes it easy in your first few classes, there's no reason to push beyond your limits. Also, if you have back, knees, or other physical problems, get the go-ahead from your doctor first, since some poses can aggravate injuries. And tell your teacher beforehand about any limitation or concerns you have, so he or she can help you with alternate or modified poses.

  3. What are the benefits of yoga?

    Yoga strengthens and tones muscle, improves balance and flexibility and increases blood flow and vitality. It's also a great way to reduce stress. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found yoga lowers chemicals in the blood stream associated with anxiety and triggers other physiological relaxation responses, such as reducing muscle tension and lowering heart rate.

  4. Does it matter that I'm not very flexible?

    Not at all, a good instructor can adapt the poses to fit any level of student. Over time, your flexibility will improve.

  5. How often do I need to practice yoga?

    Practicing two to three times a week for 45 minutes to an hour is good goal to work towards. Another alternative is to practice 15 minutes every day. The more practice, then you feel more benefit.

  6. How is Ayurveda related to Yoga?

    Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences and work harmoniously together to deliver sound body, pure mind and free spirit. In India, there is a long standing tradition of practicing both Yoga and Ayurveda together, for maximum enhanced and positive results.

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